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Christmas in November?

Updated: Feb 7, 2020

November 6th, 2018//

It’s beginning to look a lot like christmas..

So as everyone in the world knows, November 1st is when all of the Walt Disney World resorts start to put up the christmas decorations for the holiday!

This is a dream come true for myself. Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday and I have always wanted to be in Disney for christmas! Did I ever think I was going to be working christmas eve and christmas day in Disney? NO!! That’s the best part though. Seeing I did my internship around the holidays, I get to go into the parks whenever I want to, and just like today I got to go into two parks (for free) to just see the decorations!

So yes, today we went to two parks, Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios.

Todays outfit of the day was inspired by home. I have been wanting to wear sweaters because it’s cold out at home already, and usually I am over wearing the same old summer clothes. So I put on a green sweater (to feel in the christmas spirit), shorts because it is still 90 degrees out, and the new christmas ears:)

(Both items from Forever 21)

So lets go!

So no I am not going alone, I do have Taylor and Kerri with me.

(This is us on the tram)

When we arrived in MK, all I wanted to do was cry tears of joy. I couldn’t believe I was actually in MK for christmas time. I had the emotion of a little kid who has never been to Disney before.

This picture looks like a dreamt I actually took it… I know thats crazy. But this is what my first look was when I walked in.

Taylor works on the WDWRR (if anyone can guess that I will be so proud!)

It stands for the Walt Disney World Railroad, the opening curtain for MK.

So we rode on the train (this was my first time ever riding it) to Storybook Circus. We really didn’t have a set plan on our night. We just had to watch the castle get lit up my Elsa and Anna at 6PM, and maybe catch the Fantasmic show at 8:30PM. But I was just worried about passing out from heat exhaustion. It was starting to get really hard to pick out the right outfits to go to the parks in because it was so hot during the day and then it would start to get really chilly at night. But tonight it was very humid and of course I was wearing a sweater.

So I ended up buying a christmas shirt that was a little big so it went right over my shorts, and yes I did buy the christmas bells, you’ll see:)

So after that little event we went back to the front of the park to the tree to take some pictures that are below!

The tree was absolutely stunning.

After our photoshoot we decided to go to the castle to get ready for the light show.

The sun was starting to set and the castle looked more beautiful than it could ever get, which I had no idea was possible!

Then the light show began and it was so cute, Elsa used her magical snow powers to light the castles icicles!

This was the finished product!

Before this happened I changed into my christmas gear so I felt like a tourist.

And now is the time to leave and go see our favorite show Fantasmic! But before lets just take one last look at how beautiful main street looked all dressed up for Christmas.

I did not get any pictures of Hollywood Studios, we just ran in quick to see the show.

I hope you all enjoyed this post, and the pictures. I was in such “aw” looking back at them!

Merry Christmas:) 50 Days left!

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